President Donald Trump has accused social media companies of 'totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices.'

'Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen,' the president tweeted early Saturday morning.

'They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others.

'Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police. 

President Donald Trump (seen departing from the White House on Friday) has accused tech companies of silencing voices on the Right

President Donald Trump (seen departing from the White House on Friday) has accused tech companies of silencing voices on the Right

President Donald Trump has accused social media companies of 'totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices'

President Donald Trump has accused social media companies of 'totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices'

'Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police,' Trump tweeted early Saturday morning

'Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police,' Trump tweeted early Saturday morning

'Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made,' Trump tweeted on Saturday

'Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made,' Trump tweeted on Saturday

'If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC, & yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed. 

'I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all.'  

The president continued: 'Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen. 

'Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made. 

'Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!' 

Though Trump was not specific, he was likely reacting to the recent decision by tech giants Google, Facebook, Spotify, and Apple to ban the controversial conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Earlier this week, Twitter Inc banned Jones and his website Infowars from tweeting for seven days, saying their tweets violated company’s rules against abusive behavior. 

Though Trump was not specific, he was likely reacting to the recent decision by tech giants Google, Facebook, Spotify, and Apple to ban the controversial conspiracy theorist Alex Jones (whose Twitter account is seen above)

Though Trump was not specific, he was likely reacting to the recent decision by tech giants Google, Facebook, Spotify, and Apple to ban the controversial conspiracy theorist Alex Jones (whose Twitter account is seen above)

' is down', tweeted Jones, in what insiders claimed was a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) cyber attack

' is down', tweeted Jones, in what insiders claimed was a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) cyber attack

Facebook removes Alex Jones' Infowars content off site
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The microblogging site said it had asked Jones late Tuesday to delete the tweet that contained a video, which according to a company spokesman had a segment that is an 'incitement to violence.' 

The tweet in question was deleted. 

The Infowars account repeated the same content that Jones had posted on Tuesday night and the company took a similar action on Wednesday, the spokesman said.

The temporary ban means Jones and Infowars can browse and send direct messages to followers, but would not be able to tweet, retweet, or like.

Twitter’s rules against abusive behavior says that a user may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone or incite other people to do so.

Last week, major tech companies including Apple, Alphabet’s YouTube, and Facebook took down podcasts and channels from the Infowars author, saying he broke community standards. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey told NBC News' Lester Holt in an exclusive interview.he resisted banning Jones, the embattled conspiracy theorist and radio host, despite calls to do so from in and outside the firm

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey told NBC News' Lester Holt in an exclusive interview.he resisted banning Jones, the embattled conspiracy theorist and radio host, despite calls to do so from in and outside the firm

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey this week defended the social media network's decision to put Infowars' Alex Jones in a seven-day 'timeout'.

Dorsey said he resisted banning Jones, the embattled conspiracy theorist and radio host, despite calls to do so from in and outside the firm.

'We can't build a service that is subjective just to the whims of what we personally believe,' Dorsey told NBC News' Lester Holt in an exclusive interview.


Alex Jones account has been placed in read-only mode for seven days.

 Twitter confirmed he can still browse Twitter posts, but can't interact with other users by tweeting, retweeting or liking posts. 

Jones was also required to delete the offending tweet, which included a snippet of video, Twitter said.

'I feel any suspension, whether it be a permanent or a temporary one, makes someone think about their actions and their behaviors,' Dorsey said.

When asked by Holt if he believes Jones will change his behavior, Dorsey said he did not know.

'Whether it works within this case to change some of those behaviors and change some of those actions, I don't know,' Dorsey said.

'But this is consistent with how we enforce.'

The ban was imposed after InfoWars creator Jones tweeted a link to an online video calling for supporters to get their 'battle rifles' ready against media and others.

Austin-based right-wing broadcaster Jones, who believes the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting was a hoax, won't be able to tweet or retweet from his personal account for the next seven days, although he can still browse Twitter.

Dorsey said he feels 'terrible' at the pain Jones has caused the Sandy Hook families and acknowledged that the company had been slow to respond.

'I think we have felt behind and we have felt that we have moved too slow in a lot of our actions,' he said.  


Alex Jones is a controversial radio and podcast host based in Austin, Texas.

Jones says his 'InfoWars' shows, which are broadcast on radio, YouTube and other platforms, reach at least 70 million people a week.

Among other claims, he has called the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting a hoax.

He was sued for defamation by families of some of the children killed in that attack, which left 20 children and six adults dead.

Among other claims, Alex Jones (file photo) has called the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting a hoax. He was sued for defamation by families of some of the children killed in that attack, which left 20 children and six adults dead 

Among other claims, Alex Jones (file photo) has called the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting a hoax. He was sued for defamation by families of some of the children killed in that attack, which left 20 children and six adults dead 

He now admits the shooting occurred but says his claims were free speech. He has sought to have the lawsuit dismissed.

Jones has also claimed that the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington were staged by the US government. 

While he began broadcasting his shows in 1999, Jones' profile has spread from the far-right fringe in recent years.

While running for president in 2015, Donald Trump told Jones his reputation was 'amazing.'